Basic Policy on Avoiding Involvement with Anti-Social Forces 

LUCA Japan Company Limited will respond to antisocial forces such as organized crime groups, persons related to organized crime groups based on the following basic policy. 

Basic Policy on Avoiding Involvement with Anti-Social Forces 

1. Response as an organization 
We establish a system to eliminate antisocial forces. We also ensure the safety of our employees in charge of dealing with antisocial forces. 
2. Collaboration with outside parties 
We collaborate with outside parties such as the police force, legal experts, National Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations. 
3. Severance of all relationships 
We will sever all relationships with antisocial forces. 
4. Legal responses, both civil and criminal, in the event of an emergency 
We will reject unfair demands from antisocial forces and take legal action in civil and criminal court against the party making the demand. 
5. Prohibition of engagement in secret transactions and provision of funds 
We will not engage in secret transactions with antisocial forces and we will provide no funds to antisocial forces. 
LUCA Japan Company Limited will respond to antisocial forces such as organized crime groups, persons related to organized crime groups based on the following basic policy.